Elisabetta Canalis, Rome in Yesterday was shooting day with the amazing for what is a surprise… P… su Instagram incanta i suoi fan

Elisabetta Canalis, Rome in Yesterday was shooting day with the amazing for what is a surprise… P… su Instagram incanta i suoi fan


Benvenuti nel mondo di Elisabetta Canalis, l’iconica regina italiana che è nota per la sua bellezza mozzafiato, il suo stile impeccabile e il suo irresistibile fascino. Conosciuta da tutti come la “donna ideale”, Elisabetta ha conquistato il cuore della nazione e non solo.

Ma non lasciatevi ingannare dal suo aspetto da sirena, perché dietro quei capelli lisci e quegli occhi magnetici si nasconde una donna piena di sorprese. Con una carriera che spazia dall’ambiente televisivo alla moda e alla recitazione, Elisabetta dimostra di essere una vera regina multitasking.

Ma non è solo una superstar, è anche una madre devota e un’amica fedele. Con il suo sorriso contagioso e la sua personalità solare, Elisabetta Canalis riesce a conquistare tutti coloro che incrociano il suo cammino.

Ecco perché oggi vi invito a scoprire insieme il mondo affascinante e divertente di Elisabetta Canalis, dove ogni giorno è una nuova avventura e ogni sorriso è un regalo prezioso. Preparatevi a essere catturati dal suo magnetismo e incantati dalla sua eleganza senza tempo.

Quindi, non perdete tempo e immergetevi nel fantastico universo di Elisabetta Canalis, dove ogni giorno è una festa e la felicità è di casa. Siete pronti per un viaggio senza precedenti alla scoperta di una delle donne più affascinanti d’Italia?

Elisabetta Canalis e… Rome in
Yesterday was shooting day with the amazing for what is a surprise…

Yesterday was shooting day with the amazing backdrop of Rome. The historic city provided the perfect setting for a surprise photo shoot with a talented photographer. As we wandered through the ancient streets, the cobblestones beneath our feet whispered stories of the past. The iconic landmarks such as the Colosseum, Pantheon, and Trevi Fountain served as stunning backdrops for our photos.

The vibrant culture of Rome infused each frame with a sense of vitality and history. The bustling streets, lively markets, and charming cafes all added to the rich tapestry of our photo shoot. As the sun began to set, casting a golden hue over the city, I knew that these photos would capture the essence of Rome in all its glory.

Rome truly is a city like no other, with its blend of ancient wonders and modern charm creating a magical atmosphere that is impossible to resist.

Elisabetta Canalis incanta i fan

Rome in 💊
Yesterday was shooting day with the amazing @nicholas.fols for what is a surprise…
Photo n 2 is my lovely colleagues and I on set …
Ph 3 is a photo from Helmut Newton’s exhibition here in Rome , and also my state of mind sometimes 🥹
Photo n 4 is my kickboxing training, just some kicks because my tendinitis doesn’t wanna go away
Photo n 5 just to remind Arianna how much I love that we always make sure to see each other while traveling 💕 then there’s food, beautiful hotels and just only few days away from home..

Sei un fan di Elisabetta Canalis? SeguiElisabetta Canalis su Instagram

Elisabetta Canalis Rome in  
Yesterday was shooting day with the amazing  for what is a surprise…
Elisabetta Canalis Fan: Sorriso radioso di fronte alla bellezza catturata dall’obiettivo.

Elisabetta Canalis Rome in  
Yesterday was shooting day with the amazing  for what is a surprise…
Elisabetta Canalis Fan: La vista di questa foto mi trasmette un’intensa sensazione di gioia e stupore.

Elisabetta Canalis Rome in  
Yesterday was shooting day with the amazing  for what is a surprise…
Elisabetta Canalis Fan: La foto mi ha suscitato un profondo senso di meraviglia.

Elisabetta Canalis Rome in  
Yesterday was shooting day with the amazing  for what is a surprise…
Elisabetta Canalis Fan: Questo scatto trasmette una profonda sensazione di meraviglia e sorpresa.

Elisabetta Canalis Rome in  
Yesterday was shooting day with the amazing  for what is a surprise…
Elisabetta Canalis Fan: Sfila dietro alla tenda un’emozione palpabile.

Elisabetta Canalis Rome in  
Yesterday was shooting day with the amazing  for what is a surprise…
Elisabetta Canalis Fan: Sensazione di stupore di fronte a tanta bellezza.

Elisabetta Canalis Rome in  
Yesterday was shooting day with the amazing  for what is a surprise…
Elisabetta Canalis Fan: Questa foto mi trasmette una sensazione di gioia intensa.

Elisabetta Canalis Rome in  
Yesterday was shooting day with the amazing  for what is a surprise…
Elisabetta Canalis Fan: La gioia che traspare da questa immagine è contagiosa.

Elisabetta Canalis Rome in  
Yesterday was shooting day with the amazing  for what is a surprise…
Elisabetta Canalis Fan: La foto mi fa sentire pieno di energia positiva.

Elisabetta Canalis Rome in  
Yesterday was shooting day with the amazing  for what is a surprise…
Elisabetta Canalis Fan: La vista di questo paesaggio mi ha rapito il cuore.

Dai lettori

Yesterday was another fabulous day on set with the incredibly talented @nicholas.fols. Can’t wait for the surprise, it’s going to be epic! And look at photo number 2, my lovely colleagues and I killing it as always. #SquadGoals

I also managed to squeeze in a visit to Helmut Newton’s exhibition here in Rome, you know, just to keep things classy like me. Oh, and let’s not forget about my kickboxing training in photo number 4. Gotta stay fit and fierce, even with tendinitis trying to cramp my style.

And photo number 5, a sweet reminder of my friendship with Arianna. We always find time to meet up while traveling, because that’s just the kind of fabulous life I lead. Gorgeous hotels, delicious food, and only a few days away from home? Sounds like a dream come true for a queen like me. #ElisabettaCanalisFanClub 👑💁‍♀️

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