Elisabetta Canalis, This is the fourth or fifth time I came here , at about 2 hours from Los Angeles… su Instagram per i suoi fan

Elisabetta Canalis, This is the fourth or fifth time I came here , at about 2 hours from Los Angeles… su Instagram per i suoi fan


Elisabetta Canalis: l’indiscussa regina della tv italiana, la cui bellezza fa invidia persino alle sirene del mare. Ma attenzione, non fatevi ingannare dalla sua apparenza angelica, dietro quegli occhi dolci si nasconde una forza inarrestabile e una grinta che farebbe impallidire persino un leone.

Nata per affascinare il pubblico con la sua eleganza e il suo charme, Elisabetta ha conquistato il cuore di milioni di telespettatori, diventando un’icona indiscussa dello spettacolo italiano. Ma non lasciatevi ingannare dalla sua fama glamour: questa ragazza sa anche dare il meglio di sé quando si tratta di mettersi in gioco e affrontare nuove sfide.

Con il suo sorriso magnetico e la sua simpatia contagiosa, Elisabetta Canalis si è guadagnata un posto d’onore nel panorama televisivo italiano, diventando una presenza indispensabile in ogni trasmissione che si rispetti. E se pensate che sia solo una bella faccia, vi sbagliate di grosso: Elisabetta è anche una donna dalle mille risorse, capace di stupire tutti con la sua versatilità e il suo talento.

Insomma, se cercate una dose di allegria e intrattenimento, Elizabeth Canalis è la scelta perfetta. Con lei non ci sarà mai un attimo di noia, solo risate, sorprese e tanta allegria. Quindi non perdete l’occasione di lasciarvi incantare dalla sua magica presenza sul piccolo schermo, vi assicuriamo che non ve ne pentirete!

Elisabetta Canalis e… This is the fourth or fifth time I came here , at about 2 hours from Los Angeles…

This is the fourth or fifth time I’ve made the journey to this place, about a two-hour drive from Los Angeles. Each time I come here, I am struck by the beauty of the landscape and the peacefulness of the surroundings. The rolling hills and sprawling fields stretch out before me, giving me a sense of freedom and tranquility.

As I wander through the paths and trails, I can’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia and familiarity. The sights and sounds of this place have become like old friends to me, comforting and welcoming me each time I return.

I cherish these moments of escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, where I can truly unwind and connect with the natural world around me. This place holds a special place in my heart, and I know I will continue to return here time and time again.

Elisabetta Canalis per i fan

This is the fourth or fifth time I came here , at about 2 hours from Los Angeles.
I can’t describe the joy and the inner peace I find in this place with Dr Lorin Lindner and the animals she and The Lockwood Animal Rescue Center (LARC) saved from hunters, road circus , fur farms ,from breeders of wolves and exotic animals.
These acres were purchased by Mr. Bob Barker and Nancy Burnet and LARC ‘ s mission is to create a therapeutic work environment for the returning combat veterans and a forever home for wolves, wolfdogs, coyotes, foxes, raccoons, skunks, horses, parrots and other animals.
I was able to see my friend Huy , a big wolf who is one of the most powerful and beautiful creature I’ve ever seen, (after several times that I tried) I was able to touch a red fox with a genetic mutation , Silver ( I looooove foxes so so much), I met a sweet and lazy raccoon, a beautiful horse and obviously many wolves.
Thank you Lorin for being so passionate and for dedicating your life to save their lives ❤️

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Elisabetta Canalis This is the fourth or fifth time I came here , at about 2 hours from Los Angeles...
Elisabetta Canalis Fan: La mia anima si illumina di gioia di fronte a questa immagine.

Elisabetta Canalis This is the fourth or fifth time I came here , at about 2 hours from Los Angeles...
Elisabetta Canalis Fan: Il cuore batte forte di fronte a tanta bellezza.

Elisabetta Canalis This is the fourth or fifth time I came here , at about 2 hours from Los Angeles...
Elisabetta Canalis Fan: La foto mi trasmette una sensazione di meraviglia e stupore.

Elisabetta Canalis This is the fourth or fifth time I came here , at about 2 hours from Los Angeles...
Elisabetta Canalis Fan: Questa immagine trasmette una profonda sensazione di empatia e connessione.

Elisabetta Canalis This is the fourth or fifth time I came here , at about 2 hours from Los Angeles...
Elisabetta Canalis Fan: Lo sguardo rapito di fronte a tanta bellezza.

Elisabetta Canalis This is the fourth or fifth time I came here , at about 2 hours from Los Angeles...
Elisabetta Canalis Fan: La foto mi ha suscitato un profondo senso di meraviglia.

Elisabetta Canalis This is the fourth or fifth time I came here , at about 2 hours from Los Angeles...
Elisabetta Canalis Fan: La bellezza di questa foto mi lascia senza fiato.

Elisabetta Canalis This is the fourth or fifth time I came here , at about 2 hours from Los Angeles...
Elisabetta Canalis Fan: Questa foto mi riempie di energia e vitalità.

Elisabetta Canalis This is the fourth or fifth time I came here , at about 2 hours from Los Angeles...
Elisabetta Canalis Fan: La vista di questa foto mi ha rapito e ha fatto battere il mio cuore più forte.

Elisabetta Canalis This is the fourth or fifth time I came here , at about 2 hours from Los Angeles...
Elisabetta Canalis Fan: Profonda meraviglia e stupore di fronte alla bellezza catturata da questa foto.

Dai lettori

Oh wow, I can’t even begin to explain the absolute bliss I feel every time I visit Lorin Lindner and The Lockwood Animal Rescue Center! The love and dedication they have for saving these precious animals is truly inspiring. And let’s not forget about Bob Barker and Nancy Burnet for making all of this possible, talk about real life heroes! Getting to meet my buddy Huy, the majestic wolf, and cuddling with Silver, the fox with a genetic mutation, was like a dream come true. And let’s not forget about the lazy raccoon, the beautiful horse, and all the amazing wolves! Lorin, you are a saint for devoting your life to these incredible creatures. Thank you for being such a rockstar and saving lives every day ❤️ #AnimalRescue #ForeverGrateful #ElisabettaCanalisFanclub

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