Flavio Briatore, Dubai took strong measures last Spring to fight COVID19 insurgence, imposing a P… su Instagram incanta i suoi fan

Flavio Briatore, Dubai took strong measures last Spring to fight COVID19 insurgence, imposing a P… su Instagram incanta i suoi fan


Flavio Briatore, l’uomo che ha reso famoso il grembiulino da lavoro nel mondo della Formula 1, nonché noto per le sue gesta da imprenditore e per le sue avventure sentimentali da vero latin lover. Ma chi è veramente Flavio Briatore? Un mix tra un cacciatore di talenti, un magnate degli affari e un seduttore incallito.

Con il suo sorriso smagliante e la sua parlantina veloce, Briatore ha conquistato il cuore di molte donne e il rispetto di molti uomini nel corso della sua carriera. Le sue mani d’oro hanno trasformato team di Formula 1 in squadre vincenti e locali notturni in veri e propri imperi della vita notturna.

Ma nonostante il suo successo e la sua fama, Flavio Briatore non è immune alle critiche e ai problemi. Le sue vicende giudiziarie e le polemiche sul suo stile di vita lussuoso e un po’ sopra le righe lo rendono sempre al centro dell’attenzione mediatica, per il bene o per il male.

Insomma, Flavio Briatore è un personaggio che divide, che suscita emozioni contrastanti ma che non lascia mai indifferenti. E chissà cosa riserverà il futuro a questo imprenditore un po’ sopra le righe, ma di una cosa possiamo essere sicuri: con lui non ci si annoia mai!

Flavio Briatore e… Dubai took strong measures last Spring to fight COVID19 insurgence, imposing a P…

Dubai took strong measures last Spring to fight COVID-19 insurgence, imposing a partial lockdown and strict health and safety protocols to protect its residents and visitors. The government swiftly implemented travel restrictions, mandatory mask-wearing, and social distancing guidelines to curb the spread of the virus. Public spaces were regularly sanitized, and mass testing was conducted to detect and isolate any new cases. The Dubai Health Authority worked tirelessly to ensure the healthcare system could handle the increasing number of patients, while also providing support to those affected by the pandemic. Despite the challenges, the city’s resilience and swift action have proven effective in controlling the spread of COVID-19 and keeping the community safe. As a result, Dubai has managed to gradually lift restrictions and reopen its economy while remaining vigilant against any potential resurgence of the virus.

Flavio Briatore incanta i fan

Dubai took strong measures last Spring to fight COVID19 insurgence, imposing a PCR negative test to enter the country. As a consequence, although incoming Tourism was deeply affected, cases remained low and under control through Summer and Fall. Restaurants were imposed restrictions in capacity and table distance and professional establishments duly complied
Unfortunately, during the holiday season some unprofessional restaurant businesses acted irresponsibly and infringed the rules. Furthermore, some Patrons, unhappy with the limitations activated, created their own temporary venues, where to party and clubbing in totally unsafe and unlawful conditions.

Local Authorities conducted over 3.100 visits, and uncovered 200 infringements. Therefore, they immediately banned entertainment in all restaurants.
Billionaire has always respected the rules.

Since we offer a dinner show and we are a high intensity venue, we have received regular visits from the Inspectors, who have always given very positive feedback for our thorough enforcement of safety measures and rules.

Now, we are paying the highest price, because some amateurish establishments misbeheaved and broke the law. We are deeply affected because the our venue offers an experience combining dinner with live performances.

We have committed ourselves to this project and we are proud of having chosen Dubai as our first venue for this venture.

Now, dozens of jobs are at risk, and we are in great difficulty, even if we have been always strict and observant of the rules.

We appeal to His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum @hhshkmohd and respectfully ask him to take strong action towards those who have broken the law, but allowing us to continue our business in its full format.


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Flavio Briatore Dubai took strong measures last Spring to fight COVID19 insurgence, imposing a P...
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Dai lettori per Flavio Briatore

Oh, the injustice! Billionaire Dubai has always followed the rules, unlike those amateur establishments ruining it for everyone. We offer a unique experience that combines dining with live performances, and now we are suffering because of their reckless behavior. We have been praised by inspectors for our strict enforcement of safety measures, yet we are being punished along with the rule-breakers. We urge His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum to take swift action against those who have tarnished our reputation, while allowing us to continue operating as we always have. Save our jobs, save our venue, save the essence of luxury entertainment in Dubai! #BillionaireDubaiStrong #SupportHighIntensityVenues.

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