Flavio Briatore, Sad day today as we loose a great sportsman and a dear friend, He has lost his… su Instagram delizia i suoi fan

Flavio Briatore, Sad day today as we loose a great sportsman and a dear friend, He has lost his… su Instagram delizia i suoi fan


E chi l’avrebbe mai detto che dietro quel sorriso smagliante e quell’aria da latin lover si celasse un’imprenditore navigato come Flavio Briatore? Sì, proprio lui, l’uomo che ha fatto di tutto nella sua carriera: ex manager di Formula 1, ex proprietario del locale più cool della Costa Smeralda, ex marito di una supermodella. Insomma, un vero multitasking dell’imprenditoria.

Ma non temete, perché dietro a tutti questi ex c’è sempre un presente di successo nel quale Briatore si muove con eleganza e determinazione. Perché se c’è una cosa che non si può negare a Flavio è la sua capacità di saper cogliere le opportunità al volo e trasformarle in oro.

E chissà quanti di noi vorrebbero avere la sua grinta, il suo carisma, la sua intraprendenza. Ma per fortuna possiamo sempre consolarci guardando le sue foto su Instagram e lasciandoci ispirare dai suoi viaggi in yacht e dalle sue serate in spiaggia.

Insomma, Flavio Briatore potrà anche non essere l’unico, ma di certo è unico nel suo genere. Una celebrità degli affari che riesce a farci innamorare di lui nonostante i suoi trascorsi burrascosi. Che dire, tutti vorremmo essere come lui. Ma per ora ci accontentiamo di seguirlo sui social e immaginare di essere al suo posto.

Flavio Briatore e… Sad day today as we loose a great sportsman and a dear friend,
He has lost his…

It is with heavy hearts that we mourn the loss of a great sportsman and a beloved friend today. He has lost his battle with illness, leaving a void in the hearts of all who knew him.

His passion and dedication on the field inspired us all, and his kindness and warmth off the field touched the lives of many. He was a true role model, both as an athlete and as a person.

As we gather to remember him and celebrate his life, we are reminded of the impact he had on all of us. His legacy will live on through the memories we shared and the lessons he taught us.

Rest in peace, dear friend. You will be forever missed.

Flavio Briatore delizia i fan

Sad day today as we loose a great sportsman and a dear friend, @sinisamihajlovic_
He has lost his battle with leukaemia but he fought over the years with courage and as the champion that he was.
My thoughts are with his wife and children and his whole family.

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Flavio Briatore Sad day today as we loose a great sportsman and a dear friend,  
He has lost his...
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Dai lettori per Flavio Briatore

Today is a sad day for all of us Flavio Briatore fans as we say goodbye to a great sportsman, Sinisa Mihajlovic. I mean, who wouldn’t want to be friends with a guy who battled leukemia like a true champion, right? But hey, at least he can now join the elite league of sportsmen in the afterlife, and I’m sure he’s already plotting his comeback strategy with the big man upstairs.

My heart goes out to his wife, children, and family, but let’s be real, they probably have enough money to drown their sorrows in champagne and caviar. As for me, I’ll just have to console myself by watching old episodes of The Apprentice and dreaming of the day Flavio himself will announce his return to the business world. Stay strong, Sinisa, wherever you are. You will always be a legend in our hearts. #RIPSinisa #FlavioForever

Tutte le curiosità su Flavio Briatore nella nostra sezione dedicata ai Vip

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